Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old; return to them. Things do not change; we change.

As a software developer and entrepreneur who is immersed in the world of technology, it seems sometimes like there is no solid ground to stand on. It is both invigorating and exhausting.

The Zeitgeist is all encompassing. Business trends are inextricable from these changes in technology. We are constantly having to learn and adapt to new languages and frameworks, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. Art, language, and culture are all different ways of interpreting the spirit of the time.

3 things have been brewing in my mind lately: old technology, boring businesses, and literature.

Old technology

Once in a while I will become obsessed with an old language like Smalltalk or go on an Ancient Aliens binge. I am curious about old technologies.

It seems like everyday a new JavaScript framework comes out that is going to change the world. If I had to guess, I would say that in the future we will probably look back and laugh at each of these blips on the new technology radar.

I am conflicted because the value investor in me wants to stick with proven technologies. Maybe I should put my head in the sand and become an expert in C or Lisp. Does investment philosophy apply to technology, though? It is awfully tempting to speculate and use JavaScript for all the things.

All the things

All the things

Boring businesses

Oh, the accelerators. From “The Air B&B for Donuts” to “Uber for cats”, there is no shortage of silly ideas being funded today.

What about the boring businesses? Certainly there are businesses, locally and internationally, which are extremely successful, yet nobody knows about them. These are the businesses I am interested in learning more about and building.

Literature – Both old and new

Dead programming languages and dead poets, it turns out, both stand the test of time. I am not much of a writer, but it is amazing that people can put words in a certain order that makes them so profound.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I recently enjoyed reading the essay “Nature” by Ralph Waldo Emerson. The connection that he described between our perception and the world around us is going to stick with me for a while.

Even new literature and poetry can ring true with me, though, as long as it is unpretentious. I came across Jen Lightfoot’s “Basement” journal / magazine at Trident and there was quite a bit of rusty gold in there.

Imagine learning about boring old businesses around Boulder or a bunch of nerds getting together to talk about dead programming languages. If anyone reading this is aware of a good local book club or up for starting a Meetup based on any of these themes, please reach out to me!